DON'T TREAD ON ME Uterus Snake Gadsden Spoof House Flag

The Gadsden flag was designed during the American Revolution, when our founders were first fighting for freedom. Used to promote individualism and liberty, today the design is also used as a symbol against big government.
And boy, is it getting bigger, in a bad way. Invading our privacy, and invading our very bodies. We have to fight back.
This design uses the familiar snake motif from the original flag, but turns the creature into the recognizable shape of a uterus. The slogan Don't Tread On Me uses all capital letters as in the original. The design is used to share the message: don't tread on me and my personal freedoms, my ability to make choices for my own body and health and well-being, and don't tread on my private life.
This design of protest looks great on this 3'x5' house flag. You can also purchase similar designs with the same sentiment on t-shirts and other items as featured below.