DON'T TREAD ON ME Uterus Snake Gadsden Spoof House Flag

More Feminist Don't Tread On Me Swag

Don't Tread on my Uterus No Uterus No Opinion T-Shirt – Don't Tread on my Uterus, Great Design and perfect For Uterus Feminist Women Rights, Mind your own uterus Grab This Saying as a Gift For Your... View on Amazon
Feminist Don’t Tread On Me Uterus, Don’t Tread On Me Uterus T-Shirt – Let everyone know that you're a pro choice feminist who supports women's rights and reproductive freedom with this vintage Don’t Tread On Me Uterus design. Show... View on Amazon
Don’t Tread On Me Uterus T-Shirt – Don’t Tread On Me Uterus; Lightweight, Classic fit, Double-needle sleeve and bottom hem. View on Amazon

Reproductive Choice Protest Bumper Sticker

This is a perfect bumper sticker to show the world your thoughts on the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and erasing citizens' rights in a single motion. The message is clear, but also has humor. The bumper sticker reads if you cut off my reproductive choice,...

Don't Blame Me I Voted For Companion Bumper Sticker

Once the election is over, if your candidate didn't win -- don't take that opposition candidate bumper sticker off of your car. Place this companion sticker that reads "Don't Blame Me" and "I Voted For" above or in front of your chosen political candidate sticker to make...

RESIST Anti-Trump "Not My President" T-Shirt

President Trump isn't taking care of our country and its citizens. Taking away public lands, restricting basic rights guaranteed by the Constitution, denying safe haven to refugees and angering the world community. We have no choice but to resist.This original spoof t-shirt design takes Drumpf's simple campaign logo...

Resist LGBTQ+ Rainbow Raised Flag of Resistance Tank Top for Pride Month

#Resist bigotry. #Resist discrimination. #Resist backwards, unfair, unconstitutional, and un-American practices. Resist anti-human rights legislation with this inclusive raised fist of resistance rainbow design.  Legitimate fears about how our "leadership" will impact LGBTQ+ rights are prompting action. Trans rights are especially under attack, unfortunately. Trump appointees, Republican lawmakers, and...