Dumps for Trump Dog Waste Bags

Today marks just one week until the first presidential primary of 2024 -- Iowa will caucus next week on January 15th. Can you believe that voting for Trump is still even an option? And that he's leading is some polls? It's like an unending national nightmare. So we will continue to share anti-Trump gear for the sane among us. 

Lock Him Up? Get the Prison Suit Trump Action Figure Now!

Whether you’re a collector of political memorabilia or just looking for a quirky gift for a politically savvy friend, this Prison Suit Trump Action Figure is a must-have addition to your collection. Standing tall in a bright orange jumpsuit, this satirical figurine captures the convicted felon and...

Funny Ketchup Anti-Trump Embroidered Baseball Cap

Ketchup, dripping from the walls of the White House. What a baby, throwing tantrums and food.  This is a red baseball cap with a political message, but not the one you might expect. The embroidered text reads simply KETCHUP in all caps. The slogan evokes the childish behavior...

2020 Donald Trump Countdown Calendar

How are we going to get through this last year of the Orange Scumball ruining our country? A little bit of humor might help through the gloom and doom of President Tangerine. Here's a countdown desk calendar to help get us through. Find daily affirmation...

Anti-Trump MAGA Spoof Red Baseball Caps

Both Trump supporters and your anti-Trump friends and family will do a double-take when they see you wearing a red hat with white text like the ones featured here. But look again, the text doesn't say what you think it might. These funny spoof anti-Trump hats are great...