ImpeachMint Anti-Trump Mints & Tea Gag Gifts

Trump's impeachment proceedings were initiated in December, 2019. To the dismay of sane individuals worldwide, he was acquitted on February 5, 2020. That doesn't change the fact that he was the 3rd President to be impeached, following Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. 

Let's gloat in that fact and hope for another. Share these funny novelty Impeachment-themed flavored novelties.

1 Trump ImpeachMints Small Mint Tin

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Get your hands on this funny little novelty mint tin full of "ImpeachMints". The tin has a cartoon image of the Orange Buffoon holding a burning U.S. Constitution in front of a burning White House. He also carries a bag of money and walks by a political sign that reads "Absolute Worst President Ever" in all capital letters. Inside the tin, find peach-flavored mints.

3 ImPeachMint Tea 2020 -The Mueller Blend Organic Peach Rooibos Tea (20pk)

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Keep hydrated with this peach-flavored tea. The Impeachment Tea is an organic peach rooibos blend. With this purchase you'll get 20 bags of tea; also available in 100-packs.

4 Bonus: National EmbarrassMints Mint Tin

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Here's another funny novelty mint tin. This time the National EmbarrassMints are peppermint flavored and come in a tin that includes an unflattering image of the Orange Douchebag saying "They're Yuge". 

Funny & Gross Anti-Trump Pen Holder

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Anti-Trump MAGA Spoof Red Baseball Caps

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2020 Donald Trump Countdown Calendar

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When You Just Can’t Even: A Coloring Book for Coping with Trump’s Antics

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